A new adventure from the creators of Father Christmas and the Secret of the Big Book, in which Nicholas and Diego have to catch the parcel ship. When Saint Nicholas and Diego arrive one morning at the Port of Spain, the paquebot seems to have disappeared and they start a race against the clock to catch the ship in time.
This is not easy because the cause of this is in the hands of the criminals George and Boris because it arrives a day early in the Netherlands. The captain of the parcel ship thinks that Father Christmas is alone on board. Problems pile up when two children appear and hide on board, who intend to sail inadvertently to the Netherlands.
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Martijn van Nellestijn
Inge Ipenburg | Patricia Paay | Frederik de Groot | Gerard Joling | Aad van Toor | Richard Groenendijk | Liz Snoyink | Hetty Heyting
Liz Snoyink | Hetty Heyting | Martijn van Nellestijn | Henkjan Smits | Pamela Teves | Wim Rich | Alex van
Bergen | Richard de Ruijter | Frans Mulder | Lenette van Dongen | Harold Verwoert
95 min.
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