El Cura Ya Tiene Hijo (1984)


Justo, the priest, after the scandal of the first part, El hijo del cura, is sent to a cold, mountainous village, nothing like the small coastal town with a pleasant climate where he used to work. He notices that the young people in his new parish don’t go to church, and when he asks why, he is told that everyone knows he has a daughter with a parishioner from the previous parish. Justo tries to untangle the mess, but with such bad luck that his parish, under seal of confession, delivers a child to him, which complicates the situation even more, as he believes it to be ‘his’ child.

Technical details

Mariano Ozores

Mariano Ozores

Gregorio García Segura

Domingo Solano

Production company
Izaro Films

Comedy | Sequel

83 min.


Fernando Esteso, Antonio Ozores, Alonso del Real, Africa Pratt, Angel Ter, Manolo Zarzo, Adriada Ozores, Luisa M. Armenteros, Carmen Casal, Victoria Tejela, Luis Lorenzo, Florinda Chico, Juanito Navarro

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